I was commissioned to direct an incredibly interesting and complex animation for the independent band Wallows. Directed by Dillon Dodwell and produced by Dreambear. Mero Estudio organized and animated in collaboration this piece.
Here's a behind the scenes break down:
Some of the scenes in the animation:
The final release of the video had more scenes besides the animated parts. Here's the full music piece that was published and premiered in YouTube:
The process if the animation was incredibly complicated. Over 30 people participated in this project. Here are the full credits from the animation side:
Animation Direction: Gonzalo Rimoldi
Art Director: Sebastian Escobar
Clean & Color Director: Emanuel Gastaldi
Supervising Producer: Maria Alejandra Ramirez
Layout Animation:
Gonzalo Rimoldi
Miguel Alberto Mazza
Rough Animation:
Diego Martin
Diego Doncel
Gonzalo Rimoldi
Gaston Ignacio Herrera
Juan Jose Diaz
Miguel Alberto Mazza
Laura Julieth Moncada
Clean & Color:
Angie Julieth Lara
Carlos Felipe Gonzalez
Carmen Moreno
Daniel Esteban Cotillo
Emanuel Gastaldi
Enrique Jafet Garcia
Fabian Andres Ospina
Francisco Julian Favaro
Guadalupe Marpegan
Juan Camilo Fernandez
July Catalina Lasso
Luca Tavecchio
Luisa Fernanada Galvis
Composition & VFX:
Andres Almasio
Daniel Cordero
Character and Props:
Andres Ramirez
Dennis Quiñones
Mateo Aguirre
Juan Jose Molinares
Nelson Navarro
Sofia Bernal